Effective, research-based improvements

Services > Working memory training

What is memory training?

Working memory is an executive function that allows the brain to store information for a short time in order to manipulate the information to complete tasks, solve problems, and answer questions. Have you ever walked into a room and wondered what you came there for? Is it difficult to pay attention in meetings or on conference calls? Do you or your child struggle to stay focused and often find your mind wandering? These can be signs of poor working memory.

Cogmed Working Memory Training is an evidence-based program that helps adolescents and adults sustainably improve attention by training their working memory. This computerized training program is based on strong scientific research and is delivered under the supervision of a qualified Cogmed Coach. This program can be completed in the convenience of your own home.

The complete program includes:

  • An initial interview

  • An in-person or video start-up session

  • Five weeks of training with weekly coach calls

  • A wrap-up meeting with coach

  • A six-month follow-up interview

  • Access to the Cogmed Training Web

  • 100 mini extension training sessions

If you’d like to learn more about our Cogmed Working Memory Training program, please complete our quick and easy online application.

Is it right for you?

Children with poor working memory may not listen in class, blurt out answers without being called on, or distract others. Their grades are often poor and they can have difficulty learning (e.g., reading and math) even when giving their best effort. 

Adults who have poor working memory often experience difficulty staying focused, are frequently forgetful, or have “brain fog”. This may impact their job performance, social interactions, ability to plan projects, or complete multiple tasks.

For children or adults, working memory training can lead to significant improvements in attention, impulse control, social skills, and concentration. Cogmed has an outstanding record for almost 20 years of strong and sustainable results in clinical settings. Thousands of people with ADHD, learning disabilities, and other cognitive deficits caused by poor working memory have turned to Cogmed for one simple reason: it works!