Neuropsychological assessment

Evaluating cognitive strength and function

Services > Neuropsychological assessment


The main purpose of a neuropsychology assessment is to evaluate the integrity of a client’s cognitive functions. This is helpful to determine the presence and nature of potential cognitive dysfunction (ADHD, Memory Disorders), and contributing factors like depression and anxiety. These assessments are also effective at assessing readiness to return to work or other important life activities, such as financial management and driving, after a brain injury or neurologic illness.

Such evaluations address whether a person is able, from a mental ability perspective, to make a successful return to major life roles. Furthermore, testing addresses strengths and weaknesses with regard to performing such roles, and the adjustments and adaptations that may be necessary to optimize the chance of a successful return.During a feedback appointment clients’ are provided  treatment recommendations for cognitive disorders and psychological adjustment, including a profile of strengths and weaknesses to guide rehabilitation, educational, vocational, or other services. I also determine levels of cognitive functioning as they relate to work, school, and independent living.

Testing can also provide a baseline to monitor future changes in cognitive abilities, mood, and personality, including treatment effects.

Looking for academic or educational testing?

If you’re interested in diagnosing a learning disability, or being evaluated for academic accommodations, you can find more info on our Academic or Educational Testing services page.

What to expect

On the day of testing you will then complete a variety of tasks designed to measure different abilities, such as concentration, learning and memory, and language skills. You may be asked to answer questions, work on paper and pencil tasks, or do other tasks that are very much like games or puzzles. Many of these are simpler while others are more complex. You are not expected to do them perfectly and there is no passing or failing. Many people find the tasks fun and interesting but the evaluation can also be tiring. You will receive breaks throughout the day but it is important to get a good night sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of testing. Please take your medications as prescribed on the day of testing unless your physician has advised you otherwise. The amount of time to complete testing varies but generally most individuals require somewhere between two to six hours of testing, depending on the referral question and the amount of testing required. 

About two weeks after testing is completed, a feedback appointment is scheduled and approximately two weeks after your feedback appointment a finalized report will be sent to you.

Coverage and payment

Please contact to discuss coverage options or click below for information regarding insurance and out of network benefits.